
Guidelines in Writing an Article Critique


  I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock going off. Groaning, I rolled over the bed and could not find you. I hastily got up, stride down the stairs and the first thing I saw was your back. It was evident that you were busy cooking in the kitchen. I hugged you tightly as if it were our last moments together. Christmas is coming and I can feel the chilly weather in this hot country. You told me tales during the winter when you were in Hong Kong. You said a layer of clothes is a must, plus a thick padded jacket on top. You spoke as if you had spent half your life there. I continued to listen and savor the delicious food in front of me. You watch me carefully as I eat with gusto while you sip your favorite brewed coffee. You stared at me and said, "It’s been so long since I last saw you. You have grown so much." Those words choked me. I silenced my voice; I don’t want you to hear it. I don’t want to appear weak in front of the strongest person I have known.   After breakf...

13 Tips in Writing a Position Paper

Guidelines in Writing a Position Paper 1. Begin the writing process with an in-depth research about the issue at hand. 2. Be aware of various positions about the issue and explain and analyze them objectively. 3. Reflect on your position paper and identify its weaknesses. 4. Establish your credibility by citing reliable sources. 5. Present a unique way of approaching the issue. 6. Limit your position paper to two pages. 7. Analyze your target readers and align your arguments to their beliefs, needs, interests and motivations. 8. Summarize the other side’s counter arguments and refute them with evidence. 9. Define unfamiliar terms at first mention. 10. Use an active voice as much as possible. This will make your tone dynamic and firm. 11. Arrange your evidence logically using an inductive or deductive approach. 12. Check your paper for fallacies and revise accordingly. 13. Use ethical, logical and emotional appeals. Ethical appeals relate to your credibility an...

Tips for Overcoming Procrastination

  Definition of procrastinate transitive verb : to put off intentionally and habitually intransitive verb : to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done Procrastinate | Definition of Procrastinate by Merriam-Webster What is Procrastination? The behavior of Procrastination can be seen in an action of a person. When this action of delaying or putting off action is seen on a person by themselves or others is called procrastination.  The task or action might be delayed till the last moment or even the deadline might result in lapse. Why do Students procrastinate? Laziness Fear Insufficient knowledge Unknown factors Thoughts of failure Insufficient time factor Past Failure Experiences Bad habit Overconfident Distraction  How Can Students Overcome Procrastination? Commence the first step of action immediately Rely on a Mentor Set deadlines Be aware of deadlines Set goals for action Set Intermediate Goals Audit your action against ...


  An illustrated timeline that clearly shows the major developments and changes that happened to human society from the hunting and gathering stage to the post-industrial stage.

Guidelines in Writing an Article Critique (EL 11)

  Guidelines in Writing an Article Critique 1.      Read the article or book to be reviewed carefully to get its main concept. 2.      Reread it to get the arguments being presented. 3.      Relate the content of the article to what you already know about the topic. This will make you more engaged with the article. 4.      Focus on how the article treats the topic and not the topic itself. Start your sentences with phrases such as “This book presents…” and “The author argues…” 5.      Examine whether the claims or findings are adequately supported or not. 6.      Analyze the type of analysis the writer used (e.g. quantitative, qualitative, case study) and how it supports the arguments or claims. 7.      Suggest some ways on how the writer can improve his/her reasoning or explanation. 8.      Discuss how the s...

Sample Position Letter

  Committee: Commission on Human Rights Topic: Violence against women Country: The Kingdom of Denmark Delegate: William Hayward Wilson, Shea University   Source: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states’ “no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” Although this doctrine was adopted in 1948, the world has fallen quite short of this goal. Violence against women pervades all states and it is the duty of the international community to ensure that all persons are afforded equality and respect. Despite cooperative efforts at combating gross human right abuses, such as adoption of the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women, the United Nations has not been able to alleviate the injustice women worldwide experience daily.   THE Kingdom of Denmark believes that in order to end violence against women nations must look empower women in...